Bone , joint & spine care Program

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Back pain

Back pain and spine-related disorders are a category of ailments becoming more widespread over time. The increased incidence can be attributed to various factors such as weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, excessive sitting or standing and so on.

Some of the studies reveal that back pain is one of the common pain disorders found among people worldwide. Atleast 70 per cent of people suffer from back pain or other spine-related problems in their lives. It occurs when the flexibility of spines are compromised.

Some common causes of back pain are: muscle spasms, sprain, strain, slipped disc, lumbar spondylosis, facetarthropathy, Sacroiliitis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporosis and trauma. Some other reasons for back pain are pelvic inflammatory disease (cervicitis, inflammation in the cervix or mouth of the uterus), renal calculi (stones in the urinary tract) and chronic cystitis (inflammation in the urinary bladder).

Diagnosis of back pain

To arrive at an appropriate diagnosis, the doctor will take a complete history of the symptoms, do a thorough physical examination, and order any required investigations. A personalised treatment plan will be created based on the diagnosis and other.

Neck pain

Any discomfort in the neck region ,including muscles,nerves, bones, and discs between the bones, is referred to as neck pain. Although neck pain is felt in the neck, it can be caused by various issues, such as muscle tightness in the neck and upper back, nerve pinching, and disturbed joints in the neck and upper back.

There are different types of neck pain treatment in Ayurveda, Acute neck discomfort is common, and it normally goes away within a few days. If your neck pain lasts longer than three months, it might be chronic.

Neck discomfort is referred to as Manyastambha in Ayurveda, and it is one of the vatavyadhi (Vatadosha-related disorders) caused by vatadosha aggravation. When the exacerbated vata infiltrates the neck muscles, it produces muscular stiffness, neck immobility, and discomfort.

Many diverse spinal issues might cause this neck discomfort. On a more basic level, neck pain can be caused by muscle stiffness in the neck and the upper back, or it can be produced by the pinching of the nerve in the cervical area. It’s also possible that you have cervical spondylosis

Treatments in ayurveda

The causes behind the cause of neck pain are first identified in ayurvedic treatment, and the discomfort is then treated properly. It provides concrete alternatives to operations and other procedures such as epidural injections.

This condition can be permanently cured with Ayurvedic therapy. External treatments such as Greevabasti, abhyangam, kizhi, and others are used. In addition to a therapeutic diet and regimen and internal medications. As a result, Ayurveda can eliminate neck discomfort. Rasnairandadikashaya, YogarajaGuggulu, and SahacharadiKashaya are some of the most efficient Ayurvedic medications for neck discomfort.

In cervical spondylosis, several Ayurvedic medicines work as a sedative. Bala (Sidacordifolia), Amalaki (EmblicaOfficinalis), castor root (Ricinuscommunis) Gambhari (GmelinaArborea) and Shunthi (ginger), are some herbal plants.

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis (also known as neck arthritis, cervical osteoarthritis, or degenerative osteoarthritis) is a common disorder of the cervical spine. Cervical spondylosis is indeed a fancy medical term for osteoarthritis in the neck area of the spine.

Spondylosis is a group of several conditions that cause stiffness and swelling in the spinal joints (some of these conditions may also affect the soft tissues that are attached to the bones). The term “cervical” is used to indicate the specific part of the spine (the top seven vertebrae) in which the condition is present. In comparison, lumbar spondylosis occurs in the lower back while the thoracic spondylosis occurs in the midsection of the spine.

Cervical spondylosis is usually age-related and is present in about 80% of people over the age of 65. Many, however, don't experience noticeable symptoms and they may not even be aware that these changes are going on in their neck (apart from sporadic neck pains).

Treatments for Cervical Spondylosis

The treatment plan Ayurveda Panchakarma therapies for treating cervical spondylosis include Abhyanga swedam, Elakizhi, Nasyam, Shirovasti or shirodhara, Sarvangadhara, Greeva vasti, Navara kizhi, Pizhichil etc to relieve pain, inflammation of muscles and ligaments and to improve the flexibility of neck bone joints.


Ankylosing Spondylitis, a chronic inflammatory condition primarily affecting the spine and joints, can find holistic relief in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic treatments for Ankylosing Spondylitis focus on reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and enhancing mobility through personalized herbal remedies and dietary adjustments.

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a rare type of arthritis. It is an inflammatory condition affecting the whole spine joints leading to fused spine vertebrae, stiffness in the lower back, and a forward posture. The pain worsens after a period of inactivity, like sitting for long hours or in the early morning after sleep. Gradually, the inflammation spreads to other parts of the body.

Treatments for Ankylospondylosis

Ayurveda offers effective therapies for treating ankylosing spondylitis. Ayurveda system of medicine works on the root cause of the disease not just on alleviating symptoms. Authentic ayurveda approach to ankylosing spondylitis is a gradual, long-term one that demands regular and careful follow-up sessions. Panchakarma treatments by virechana and vasti and kativasti, kizhi, and dhara are almost mandatory for ayurveda treatment of ankylosing spondylitis.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder may be a condition that affects your shoulder. It usually involves pain and stiffness that develops gradually, gets worse, and finally goes away. This can take anywhere from a year to 3 years.

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint when the tissues of the shoulder joint become thicker and tighter, scar tissue develops over time.

As a result, the shoulder doesn’t have enough space to rotate properly. The most likely to have the condition is between the ages of 40 and 60. Your shoulder is formed from three bones that form a ball-and-socket joint. They are your upper arm, shoulder blade (scapula), and the collarbone (clavicle). There’s also tissue surrounding your shoulder that holds everything together.

Treatments in Ayurveda

Snehana(oleation): Administering ghee or medicated oil internally and externally to alleviate Doshas out of the body.

Swedana(fomentation): Application of hot, moist substances on the affected part to overcome pain and stiffness. ‘Patrapinda Swedana’ or ‘Valuka Sweda’ are mainly used to relieve inflammation and improve flexibility and range of motion of the shoulder.

Basti (enema): is a bowel cleansing approach to balance the vitiated Vata Dosha in the body.

Nasya karma(application of medicated oil drops in the nostrils): It helps in muscle relaxation and subsiding inflammation.

Agnikarma (therapeutic cauterization): Agnikarma is indicated in Avabahuk (i.e., frozen shoulder). Agnikarma immediately results in the pacification of Vata and Kapha Dosha as the frozen shoulder is Vatakaphaj Vyadhi. This gives immediate improvement in symptoms like pain and stiffness of a frozen shoulder.

Knee pain

Ayurveda has broad spread treatments for any kind of Knee joint pain. The focus of the treatment would either be to elevate pain or to restore full functionality.

Types of treatment for knee pain

Janu vasti is a knee pain treatment in ayurveda Janu Vasti Therapy, as an arthritis treatment in Ayurveda, is explicitly intended for treating pain conditions at the knees and helps to regain a better functional status. Janu Vasti is also a recommended program for people who work with a long stand or weighted activities, such as athletes and sportspeople.

Triphala or the combination of three medicinal fruits is believed to be an antioxidant having antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The three fruits are Bhibhitaki, Haritaki, and Amla.

Neem has been considered a medicinal plant for ages. Neem is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it an unavoidable component for the treatment of Gout. Neem paste is used for reducing inflammations on the uric acid accumulated area.